Texas Name Reservation

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Photo by Nick Bee on Pexels.com

Reserving a Business Name

Before filing a Certificate of Formation to establish a business in Texas, you can reserve your desired business name for 120 days. Reservations can be renewed if needed.

Application for Reservation or Renewal

To reserve or renew a business name:

  1. Select either “New Application” or “Renewal.”
  2. Specify the entity type (LLC, corporation, etc.).
  3. Provide the applicant’s name (business or individual).
  4. Include the applicant’s address (street or mailing).
  5. Sign and date the application.

How Much Does a Name Reservation Cost?

The fee to reserve a name is $40.

How Do I File a Name Reservation?

You can file the application online through Texas SOSDirect.

Withdrawing a Reserved Name

If you decide not to use the reserved name, submit a Notice of Withdrawal of Reservation of an Entity Name form to the Secretary of State. There is no filing fee, and this form cannot be submitted online.

Transferring a Reserved Name

To transfer a reserved name to another individual or business, file a Notice of Transfer of Entity Name form with the Secretary of State. The filing fee is $15. This form cannot be submitted online.