FAQs About Texas DBAs

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FAQs About Texas DBAs

Is DBA Registration Required in Texas?
Yes, to legally operate under an assumed name in Texas, you must register the name with either the Secretary of State (for incorporated businesses) or the county clerk’s office (for unincorporated businesses).

When Do I Need to Renew My Assumed Name Registration?
Assumed name registrations must be renewed every 10 years. The same form and fee are used for both initial registration and renewal.

How Much Does It Cost to File a Texas Assumed Name Certificate?

  • State level: $25
  • County level: $24, plus $0.50 for each additional business owner.

Can I Register More Than One DBA?
Yes, you can register multiple DBAs in Texas. However, each DBA requires a separate certificate and filing fee.

Can I Use My Texas DBA in Another State?
To use your DBA in another state, you must register both your business and the DBA in that state and pay the required filing fees.

Do I Need an EIN for My DBA?
No, a DBA is not a separate business entity, so you don’t need a unique EIN to operate under it.

Does Filing an Assumed Name Certificate Protect My DBA Name?
No, filing a DBA does not grant exclusive rights to the name. Other businesses can use the same DBA. To check if a name is already in use, you can search state or county records.

Are There Penalties for Operating Under a DBA Without Registration?
Yes, knowingly doing business under an unregistered assumed name is a Class A misdemeanor. Penalties include up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $4,000, or both.